Sunday, 1 April 2012

Albino Hamsters

Ok so first post of the A-Z challenge is going to be about Albino hamsters.

Syrians can be albino, white with red eyes, as can dwarf hamsters. The albino gene is recessive, meaning the two parent hamsters must carry it to create an albino baby. Winter whites are NOT albino hamsters as they have dark eyes and only change coat in winter (unless you have a pearl which is white all year round). If you are curious as to whether your hamster is albino or not one of the biggest clues is the coat colour, clearly. They will be white with red eyes. If they have red eyes and are pure white, they are albino :D.

Sadly, albino hamsters can be born with no eyes and live a maximum of 1 year. It is one of the biggest dangers when breeding without knowing the parent hamster's genes. They have a poor quality of life and struggle to do the simplest of things, so that is why people make sure they are 100% sure on the genes of parent hamster's before breeding.

Now for some cute pictures!


  1. The hamster in the dish is adorable! Happy A-Zing. Good start!

  2. :) Same A topic, high-five! Love the hamster in a dish, too. Adorable!

    1. creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  3. Great post! I was going to the the A to Z thing, but decided against it. But I'm excited to see everyone else's posts!

  4. Looking forward to your posts! These little albino guys are cute, but I would like a Pearl, I think, if I had a white hamster. If I had a hamster. Which I don't.

    But I'm going to enjoy yours! Looking forward to pictures of "the boys". :)

    Marian Allen
    Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes

  5. I used to have hamsters, and we had a big albino one. Love the pics!

  6. Visiting from the AtoZ linky. When I was younger I had a hamster, that I called Billy-Dexter that had one red eye and one black. When I chose him the pet shop guy asked if I wanted to put him back and pick another because of that fact. No Way.
    Good luck with the challenge.

  7. Awww the poor little things. You must be very patient and kind to raise them. I'm visiting on the A to Z Challenge, you're # 257. Glad to have found you. Funny you're the second person I've met in just two days with a hamster blog. Looking forward to more cool posts. I'm a new follower.
    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  8. I have a winter white hamter and he has red eyes, why?

  9. OMG, I absolutely love albino animals! And hamsters! I would really love to have a white hammy! I have a brown syrian at the mo, and her name is Coco. She is the friendliest and cutest hamster ever! :3

  10. I bought an albino pair and they are cute. They are also safe/ are not aggressive. They breed fast so I needed to separate them in 2 cages.
